Pioneers of surgical robots, we put the patient’s and surgeon’s needs first, improving the operation experience across various hospital structures.

At Valuebiotech, we work to create new solutions capable of generating a real positive impact on people’s lives, inside and outside the operating room.


Antonello Forgione

MD PhD MBA FACS - Founder and CEO

Marta Rossi Racagni

Business Developer

Martina De Landro

Clinical Development Engineer

Michela Elia

Regulatory Affairs

Eva Legramandi

Regulatory Affairs & Quality Management

Renzo Zaltieri

Co-Founder, CTO

Simona Russo

Executive Assistant

Stefania Nobile

Administrative Secretary

Antonella Grieco

Product Development & System Engineer

Simone Radice

Hardware Engineer
MM 400

Michele Maimeri

Control Engineer

Chiara Carlini

Software & Firmware Developer

Mattia Previtali

Software & Firmware Developer
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Mattia Brunello

Software Developer

Nicolò Ballabio

VR & AR Software Developer

Giuseppe Emanuele Campo

Mechanical Engineer

Pietro Cannova

Mechanical Engineer

Colas Börtlein

Mechanical Engineer

Luca Bianchi

Robot System Prototyping Technician